R. Ford - 9/15/2022
#GemAd Member - Denver Fall Showcase
MP Products can be found in space 4 at the Denver Expo Gem Show. The show is located on the second floor of The National Western Complex. The show is free & open to both wholesale and retail sales September 9-18, 2022, daily 9-6 pm, and the final day 9-4 pm.
MP Products specializes in Laguna Lace agate. Laguna Lace is a variety of Mexican Crazy Lace agate. It is called Laguna Lace because it has fortified (banded) areas resembling laguna agate. Laguna Lace is a pseudomorph, agate after calcite, found in the State of Chihuahua Mexico. There is no middleman involved here, this is direct from the miner to the buyer.
"We know the shows," visit the Xpo Press Website to learn how to advertise your show or business.